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ADD: No. 16, Tongyi Road, Weihai, China

TEL: 86-0631-5233588

FAX: 86-0631-5224345

Current Location:Home > Fishing Crew Service

Fishing Crew Service

The Company has been providing captain, chief engineer, chief officer and other crew of management level for longline fishing boats, seiners and trawlers  for more than 20 years, and has accumulated dispatched more than 1000 person-time of ocean fishing crew to China, South Korea, Japan and other countries and regions.

Copyright:Weihai International Economic & Technical Cooperative Co., Ltd.(c) Address :16 Tongyi Road, Weihai City, China  Lu ICP, number 12002982, -3 TEL:86-0631-5233588  FAX:86-0631-5224345  Lu public network security 37100202000269Number  Technical Support:Aosion
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