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Capital Operation

Capital operation is a new business launched by WIETC in recent years, with the purpose of financing construction projects under PPP, BOT modes, providing capital guarantee for expansion and development of the Company's other businesses, and at the same time, seeking investment opportunities by project feasibility study, carrying out financial business to make profit.

Copyright:Weihai International Economic & Technical Cooperative Co., Ltd.(c) Address :16 Tongyi Road, Weihai City, China  Lu ICP, number 12002982, -3 TEL:86-0631-5233588  FAX:86-0631-5224345  Lu public network security 37100202000269Number  Technical Support:Aosion
巧家县| 德安县| 吉安市| 乐亭县| 广东省| 拉萨市| 咸阳市| 自贡市| 犍为县| 雷州市| 樟树市| 衡水市| 和田县| 石狮市| 环江| 永福县| 萍乡市| 香格里拉县| 晋江市| 盐津县| 赤峰市| 阳山县| 托克托县| 德保县| 连山| 通榆县| 拉孜县| 宝坻区| 牙克石市| 无棣县| 聂荣县| 灵台县| 浑源县| 大港区| 松桃| 个旧市| 八宿县| 湘潭县| 张家港市| 桐庐县| 莎车县|